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At Oasis Alliance Church, we believe what the Bible teaches in (Malachi 3:9-10), and the numerous teaching of Jesus including Matthew 22, about tithing. We teach tithing as an act of worship to God, who has provided us with everything that we have. We give because we love Him and we love people. Here are a few options available for you:


We receive an offering as a part of our worship in all of our services. We believe that worshiping God includes giving of our time, talents, and even our treasure (finances).

Image by Rubaitul Azad


Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or Zelle.


Click below or more information about our new giving platform.


Start volunteering with us and see the immediate difference you can make by serving on our loving team.


Click here to get started

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